Higgs-2022 (Pisa)

Higgs 2022
Nov. 7, 2022 to Nov. 11, 2022
Pisa, Italy


Category: Higgs



Presentations: 5


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    Abstract: The FCC-ee offers powerful opportunities to determine the Higgs boson parameters, exploiting over 106 e+e−→ZH events and almost 105 WW→H events at centre-of-mass energies around 240 and 365 GeV. This essay spotlights the important measurements of the ZH production cross section and of the Higgs bos… more info.
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    Abstract: The Future Circular Collider is at the heart of the vision of the European Strategy for Particle Physics, and the highest priority for Europe and its international partners. A technical and financial feasibility study of the 100km infrastructure and of the colliders that would be installed in it is… more info.
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    Abstract: The determination of the Higgs self-couplings are of primary importance in particle physics and cosmology. They characterise the Higgs potential and thus the process of electroweak symmetry breaking. Moreover, the structure of the potential could shed some light on the naturalness prob- lem and the… more info.
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    Abstract: Measuring the electron Yukawa is impossible in Higgs boson decays, H → e+e- , given the smallness of the electron mass that leads to a vanishingly small decay branching fraction O(10−9). The only direct method to extract the Higgs-electron coupling is through resonant s-channel production in e+e- c… more info.
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