3rd ECFA Workshop on on e+e- Higgs/EW/Top Factories
Oct. 9, 2024 to Oct. 11, 2024
Paris, France
Search for additional Higgs bosons at the FCC-ee Oct. 9, 2024
Machine Learning Techniques to Probe Heavy Neutral Leptons in the electron channel at FCC-ee Oct. 9, 2024By:
Abstract: In place of traditional cut-and-count analyses, machine learning methods can provide powerful ways to analyse physics data. In this work, we present techniques involving boosted decision trees (BDT) and deep neural networks (DNN) to increase the existing projected 95% CL limits for the HNL discover… more info. -
Abstract: The electron-positron phase of the Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) at CERN is proposed as a Higgs, electroweak, flavour, and top factory at the intensity frontier. In particular, about 2 million top quark pairs are expected to be produced at the 365 GeV operation, providing a clean dataset with u… more info. -
Tau Physics at FCCee Oct. 10, 2024By:
Abstract: The data sample of 6E12 Z boson decays expected to be produced at the FCC-ee offers unprecedented opportunities for the precise measurement of physics observables. One of the areas in which large improvements are foreseen is the determinations of tau lepton properties (lifetime, leptonic/hadronic w… more info. -
Measurement of hadronic Higgs boson decays at FCC-ee to constrain quarks and gluon couplings Oct. 9, 2024By:
Abstract: We report on the latest sensitivity studies of FCC-ee to the measurement of the branching ratios of Higgs boson decays to quark-antiquark pairs and gluons. The studies use simulated events scaled to integrated luminosities of 10.8/ab of sqrt(s)=240 GeV and 3.0/ab of sqrt(s)=365 GeV. Jet flavour tag… more info. -
Abstract: The FCC-ee is a potential future Higgs factory that can continue to probe the validity of the electroweak theory. One of the key tasks is to study how the next generation of particle detectors can be optimised to study the Higgs boson in detail. This study uses the ZH process, where both the Higgs … more info. -
Expected Measurements of the Higgs boson mass and ZH production cross sections at sqrt(s) =240 and 365 GeV, at the FCC-ee Oct. 10, 2024By:
Abstract: At the Future e+e- Circular Collider a long data taking period is also foreseen at the ttbar production threshold and slightly above, up to sqrt(s)=365 GeV, with more than 300 000 ZH events expected at these energies. We study the precision which can be reached with this dataset on the Higgs mass, … more info. -
Detector impact on higgs measurements at the FCC-ee Oct. 9, 2024By:
Abstract: The ParticleNet tagger is a graph neural network devoted to the tagging of jets from the hadronization of multiple flavors at the FCC-ee. Its impressive and unprecedented tagging performance allows for accessing rare and challenging hadronic final states. This study shows the fast-simulation-based … more info. -
Abstract: The precision study of the Higgs boson is a primary goal for future e+e- colliders. Accurate identification of its decay products is crucial for these measurements. Utilizing full simulation of proposed detector concepts provides a realistic estimate of the expected physics performance. In this tal… more info. -
Abstract: The CERN proposed e+e- Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) is designed as an electroweak, flavour, Higgs and top factory with unprecedented luminosities. Many measurements at the FCC-ee will rely on the precise determination of the vertices, measured by dedicated vertex detectors. All vertex detecto… more info. -
Abstract: High voltage CMOS pixel sensors are proposed to be used in future particle physics experiment such as FCC-ee. The ATLASPIX3 chip consists of 49000 pixels of dimension 50μm x 150 μm, realised in in TSI 180nm HVCMOS technology. It was the first full reticle size monolithic HVCMOS sensor suitable for … more info. -
Estimation of the fluxes in ILD calorimeters at FCC-ee Oct. 10, 2024By:
Abstract: The calorimeter systems of the detectors near future HET factories must operate in very different running conditions: machine backgrounds, dominant cross-sections and luminosities vary by several orders of magnitude as a function of the center-of-mass energy. A determination of the expected fluxes … more info. -
A straw tracker for FCC-ee Oct. 9, 2024By:
Abstract: We propose to perform R&D studies for a straw tracker that can be used as an outer tracker for the FCC-ee experiments. The straw tracker offers the advantage of a low material, a crucial factor in minimizing overall material budget of the tracker. With the capability to achieve a single-hit resolut… more info. -
Abstract: The ILD detector concept has originally been developed for the International Linear Collider (ILC). Detailed simulations gauged against the performance of prototype components have shown that ILD in its ILC incarnation is ideally suited to pursue the physics program of a linear Higgs factory as wel… more info. -
Abstract: Allegro, one of the detector concepts under study for FCC-ee, is currently in its design and optimization phase. This contribution aims to introduce Allegro’s calorimeter system, offering an overview of the baseline technologies planned for its two calorimeter systems: a highly granular noble-liqui… more info. -
End-to-end ML-based reconstruction for FCC-ee Oct. 10, 2024By:
Abstract: We present an ML-based end-to-end algorithm for adaptive reconstruction in different FCC detectors. The algorithm takes detector hits from different subdetectors as input and reconstructs higher-level objects. For this, it exploits a geometric graph neural network, trained with object condensation,… more info.
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